直播答题成撒币大战,一夜撒100多万 | 社媒大事记(01.01-01.08)
「 今天你答题赢钱了吗?」
作者 | 初见
编辑 | 珲哥
据了解,这种模式基本上照搬了美国的HQ Trivia,它于2017年8月正式上线iOS版,当年12月的第二个周日,HQ Trivia把奖金提高到10000美元,当天晚上的同时在线人数突破40万。
一、人人网遭监管约谈 区块链项目已确定翻车
据日前发布的RRCoin白皮书显示,人人坊项目将在2018年1月完成底层架构设计和开发,2019年一季度完成商业系统和大量应用系统接入。 RR Coin共有10亿枚,其中40%将用于私募,25%用于RR Coin基金(该基金负责技术开发及平台运营),15%的代币给予市场运营和研发团队,还有20%的代币用于社区商务合作。
《纽约时报》刊文称,数百款Android应用,秘密利用手机麦克风“窃听”用户观看电视节目的习惯。Google Play Store应用商店中的逾250款游戏——部分游戏面向儿童,被发现利用软件记录用户观看的电视广告和电视节目。
Alphonso CEO科迪亚说,“消费者是在知情的情况下允许我们收集信息的,而且随时可以选择退出。”他表示,Alphonso在其网站上提供了退出软件的方法,信息披露符合美国联邦通信委员会的相关政策。
四、今日头条招聘 2000 名内容审核编辑:党员优先
遭遇整顿后,今日头条开始大规模招聘内容审核编辑岗位,加强内容审核。近日,在某招聘网站上,今日头条在天津招募内容审核编辑,每个员工每天需要审核 1000 条左右内容,负责监控审核今日头条平台内容是否违规,薪资约为 4000 至 6000 元 / 月。
此外,今日头条还在北京招聘国际化内容审核编辑,负责审核日语视频,是否存在暴力、色情、恐怖等不和谐内容,要求本科及以上学历,薪资约为 6000 至 12000 元 / 月。
澎湃新闻获悉,今日头条此次招聘内容审核编辑,负责海内外产品的内容审核人员,总的新增规模在 2000 人左右。目前,今日头条内容审核编辑团队人数已经超过 4000 人(含海外产品),建立了一支国内最大的审核编辑团队。今日头条副总编辑徐一龙称,这个数据还会继续增加,预计很快突破 10000 人。
近来游戏圈内一直充斥着一种玛丽苏风格的海报。自恋爱游戏《恋与制作人》自上线以来,可以说是瞬间俘获了大量女性玩家们的芳心,《恋与制作人》不仅在app store上的最佳成绩冲到了排名榜第二,更是在推出后不久就上了TapTap的推荐大图。作为一款新上线的女性游戏,叠纸游戏自身恐怕也没想到会火爆到月流水数千万的程度。
2016年,MMO类型手游势头正猛,MMO的题材、玩法和美术确实也越来越同质化。而在眼花缭乱的手游市场中,从 RPG到MMO到MOBA循环往复,就连阴阳师IP往MOBA类型发展,推出了《决战!平安京》,再到今年被“吃鸡”热度席卷的FPS类型市场,游戏类型化早已成为一种大方向。
对于专注女性游戏的玩家而言,他们的需求或许早已脱离游戏的“玩法”本身,而是对于游戏本质元素的需求, 有痴迷于《恋与制作人》的网友表示:“如果《阴阳师》出一款能够跟大天狗谈恋爱的手游,那自己一定坚定不移的转移战地。 ”
受IP的影响很大, 比如说网文、影视剧。最早的时候一些网络小说,女性可能是处于弱势的姿态,但是后来的一些作品,女性地位已经和男生旗鼓相当了,再往后还有一种趋势,就是女性的地位高于男性,而在这个世界中可能会产生一些比较有意思的冲突,女生就会有比较大的爱好。而将女性的阅读习惯带到游戏之中,会产生不一般的效果。
感官影响付费, 男性玩家会付费节点在于能否增强实力。而女性玩家的付费节点在于能否得到精神上的满足,女生是对视觉美感的。美术的画风,可爱,或者是古风,是很容易引起女生对游戏的关注,往往一些好看的服装或者皮肤对女性玩家的付费拉动很高。《恋与制作人》之中,不少女性为了心中的“野男人”不惜重金求男。
可以说,IP以及感官体验是影响女性游戏的两大重点。当初的《奇迹暖暖》也是抓住这两点才打造出一个日活跃用户超300 万,全系列产品下载用户数超3000 万,全国No.1 的换装类手游。
七、罗振宇《时间的朋友》2017跨年演讲收官 六大脑洞
1. Twitter Just Explained Why It Doesn't Block World Leaders Like Trump
Amid increasingly vocal calls for the company to ban President Donald Trump from its service, Twitter defended its policies against censoring world leaders on its platform.
"Blocking a world leader from Twitter or removing their controversial Tweets would hide important information people should be able to see and debate," the company wrote in a blog post. "It would also not silence that leader, but it would certainly hamper necessary discussion around their words and actions."
The post didn't call out Trump or the increasingly vocal protests by name.
Twitter also did not say definitively that it would never ban Trump, or any other world leader. "We review Tweets by leaders within the political context that defines them, and enforce our rules accordingly," its post said. The post, headlined "World Leaders on Twitter," also did not define what a world leader is.
In recent months, people have been protesting outside Twitter's headquarters and demanding that the company ban Trump. On Wednesday, protesters projected angry messages on Twitter's headquarters after Trump taunted North Korea leader Kim Jong Un about the size, power, and operational status of his "Nuclear Button."
This wasn't Trump's first provocative tweet aimed at North Korea. In September, Trump seemed to threaten the annihilation of the country, tweeting: "Just heard Foreign Minister of North Korea speak at U.N. If he echoes thoughts of Little Rocket Man, they won't be around much longer!" North Korea said the tweet was a declaration of war.
2. Uber Is A Taxi Service, Not A Tech Company, The European Union's Top Court Has Ruled
A long-awaited ruling by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has stated that Uber is a taxi service, not a tech company, and therefore must to adhere to national transport regulations in individual European companies.
The ruling, announced on Wednesday morning, represents a significant blow to Uber. The ride-hail company had hoped to be recognized as a digital platform, which would have meant it was only subject to Europe-wide rules.
"The electronic platform Uber provides, by means of a smartphone application, a paid service consisting of connecting non-professional drivers using their own vehicle with persons who wish to make urban journeys," the ECJ's ruling read.
It concluded that it therefore "must be regarded as being inherently linked to a
transport service and, accordingly, must be classified as ‘a service in the field of transport’ within the meaning of EU law".
"Consequently," it said, "such a service must be excluded from the scope of the freedom to provide services in general as well as the directive on services in the internal market and the directive on electronic commerce."
The case was first raised by taxi drivers in Barcelona in 2014, who complained that Uber infringed Spanish competition rules and claimed it did not have authorization to operate as a taxi service.
Uber has argued throughout the case that it should be considered a tech company, but downplayed the impact of the decision in a press statement immediately after the final verdict.
The announcement represents a significant victory for Spanish taxi drivers after years of campaigning against the company.
On Monday, Facebook group Taxistas de Barcelona posted a series of Tweets showing customers complaining about Uber, saying the sector needs to "bust those who are disloyal" and "get people to want to come with us!"
On Twitter, taxi campaign groups from Barcelona also celebrated the news. Elite Taxi BCN, which campaigns for the rights of drivers in the city, tweeted: “Today is a great day, we trust in the justice system to declare Uber a transport company”.
Despite Uber's apparent resolve, Wednesday's ruling represents a bombshell for its policy team, which has been facing growing resistance from municipal authorities across Europe.
The campaign by taxi drivers in Barcelona echoes a resistance from local governments in the UK, where last week York became the third city to effectively ban Uber by voting against renewing its license.
The UK's Trades Union Congress, which has slammed the company for not giving its drivers a minimum wage or holiday pay, welcomed the verdict.
“Uber must get its house in order and play by the same rules as everybody else," said General Secretary Frances O’Grady.
“Advances in technology should be used to make work better. Not to return to the type of working practices we thought we’d seen the back of decades ago.”
3. Why Mark Zuckerberg should be interested in cryptocurrency
Facebook may soon begin exploring uses for cryptocurrency technology.
The company's founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg posted his annual personal memo on Thursday — mostly about being a better CEO — but one throwaway reference to cryptocurrency technology captured much of the media's attention.
Writing about how the last year saw many people lose trust in social media and tech companies, Zuckerberg noted the growing importance of de-centralizing forces, like the rise of cryptocurrency.
He wrote:
"There are important counter-trends to this — like encryption and cryptocurrency — that take power from centralized systems and put it back into people's hands. But they come with the risk of being harder to control. I'm interested to go deeper and study the positive and negative aspects of these technologies, and how best to use them in our services."
Some people who read the memo were quick to jump to the conclusion that Zuckerberg was referring to Bitcoin. That inspired breathless headlines (many of which have since been changed) speculating about Zuckerberg's desire to integrate Bitcoin into Facebook.
As The Next Web pointed out, it's misleading to use Bitcoin as a shorthand for cryptocurrency. There are many types of cryptocurrency technology, and Bitcoin is just one of them.
That said, it's telling that Zuckerberg specifically called out cryptocurrency in his annual new year's resolution post. When you look at the broader landscape of social media companies and messaging platforms, it makes perfect sense that Facebook would be paying very close attention to such technology.
First, consider that nearly 100 percent of Facebook's revenue comes from online advertising, while other sources, like mobile gaming, have fallen in recent years. (And newer sources, like its virtual reality division Oculus, make up a tiny fraction of the company's total revenue.)
These figures shouldn't be all that surprising — the social network has long been one of the single most dominant players in digital advertising. Still, the company would be foolish not to pursue other meaningful revenue sources longterm.
Adopting some kind of cryptocurrency could be one way to do that. But rather than buying into one that's already established, like Bitcoin, what might be more likely is Facebook creating its own coin.
There's already precedence for such a move. Messaging app Kik, popular among teens, had its own initial coin offering (ICO) last year, raising nearly $100 million for Kin, its ethereum-based coin. Chinese social networks have also experimented with their own cryptocurrencies, despite the country's efforts to crack down on the practice. As CNBC points out, having its own coin could help Facebook eventually catch up to Asian competitors like WeChat.
And while it's far too soon to say how a Facebook token would work within the bigger social network, Messenger certainly seems like the first logical step. Using service like WeChat and Kik as blueprint, it's not difficult to imagine how Facebook could choose to offer its own in-app currency to users.
Coincidentally, Facebook Messenger chief David Marcus recently joined the board of digital currency exchange Coinbase.
Either way, with Zuckerberg promising to "study" the issue with the same intensity he's given his previous yearly challenges, it's more likely than not we'll hear from the CEO on cryptocurrencies again before the year is over.
4. Telegram and Instagram being restricted in Iran
Iran state TV said yesterday that authorities were temporarily blocking the services to “maintain peace”, according to the AP news agency.
The country has seen a rising wave of anti-government protests in recent days and ministers have accused social media of fueling dissent.
On Saturday Iran’s ICT minister, Mohammad-Javad Azari Jahromi tweeted directly at Telegram founder Pavel Durov — claiming that one of the platform’s channels “is encouraging hateful conduct, use of Molotov cocktails, armed uprisings, and social unrest” and urging Durov to act to “stop such encouragements via Telegram”.
In a post on his Telegram channel yesterday, Durov said the authorities had “imposed a block on Telegram”, adding that it is “not clear whether permanent or temporary”.
He also confirmed that Telegram admins had suspended the channel that Jahromi had been objecting to — naming it as @amadnews — but claimed this was as a result of the channel admins having broken Telegram’s terms of service rules by “calling its subscribers to use Molotov cocktails and firearms against police”.
Responding to Jahromi’s earlier tweet Durov also noted that: “Calls for violence are prohibited by the Telegram rules. If confirmed, we’ll have to block such a channel, regardless of its size and political affiliation.”
Following the suspension of @amadnews, Durov writes that the channel admins were able to “reassemble most of their subscribers (800,000) in a new peaceful channel, which we welcomed” — after apologizing for breaking Telegram’s ToS and pledging “not to promote violence in future”.
At the time of writing neither Instagram nor Telegram could be reached for comment.
Telegram has a large user base in Iran — with Durov stating last year that it has ~40M monthly active users, which amounts to around half the population of the country, and 25M daily active users.
With media censorship a fact of life in Iran, digital services and apps such as Telegram have offered citizens an alternative outlet for accessing information — including, when service blocks are imposed, the capacity for more tech savvy users to use other digital tools (such as proxy servers) to circumvent attempts to restrict access to uncensored content.
However the Iranian government has been pushing for control over foreign messaging platforms — including, in 2016, calling for companies to move their servers to Iran, sparking privacy fears.
Last year Durov was forced to deny that Telegram had moved some of its servers to the country — saying rather it had installed some local caching nodes to speed up download times.
The local CDNs could not in any way aid state censorship of the platform, he asserted.
Iran’s government has also been targeting Telegram channel administrators — issuing a requirement that admins of channels with more than 5,000 members register with the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance.
Those not registering risk prosecution. While registered admins expose themselves to the risk of arrest — putting channels under greater pressure to self-censor.
The regime also appears to be cranking up the public pressure on Durov to police content it doesn’t like — such as the now suspended @amadnews channel — though the Telegram founder has been quick to point to counter-examples where the platform has resisted authorities’ demands.
Whether Telegram can continue to walk this line and successfully avoid a permanent block in Iran remains to be seen. (The Indonesian government used blocks last summer to wring content-related concessions out of Telegram, focused on removing ISIS-related channels and improving its local moderation systems.)
Telegram’s actions here, in suspending a popular channel following a state request, have drawn accusations of collusion with the Iranian regime, even as the platform continues to anger the Iranian government by providing an ongoing outlet for uncensored political content.
So Durov looks to be facing the proverbial choice between a rock and a hard place — leaving his critics to decry his technical choices.